Basic Info.
Information content
Model No.
Bently Nevada 3500/22
Product Description
Product Description
The 3500 Transient Data Interface (TDI) is the interface between the 3500 monitoring system and GE's System 1* machinery management software. The TDI combines the capability of a 3500/20 Rack Interface Module (RIM) with the data collection capability of a communication processor such as TDXnet.
The TDI operates in the RIM slot of a 3500 rack in conjunction with the M series monitors (3500/40M, 3500/42M, etc.) to continuously collect steady state and transient waveform data and pass this data through an Ethernet link to the host software. (Refer to the Compatibility section at the end of this document.) Static data capture is standard with the TDI, however using an optional Channel Enabling Disk will allow the TDI to capture dynamic or transient data as well. The TDI features improvements in several areas over previous communication processors and incorporates the Communication Processor function within the 3500 rock.
The Bently Nevada 3500/22 is a vibration monitoring system that is used to monitor the condition of rotating machinery. It is a modular system that can be configured to meet the specific needs of the application. The 3500/22 can be used to monitor a wide range of machinery, including pumps, compressors, turbines, and generators.The 3500/22 is a microprocessor-based system that uses a variety of sensors to collect data about the vibration of the machinery. The data is then analyzed by the system to identify any potential problems. The system can be used to monitor the following parameters:
Vibration amplitude
Vibration frequency
Vibration phase
Bearing temperature
Oil pressure
Detailed Photos
Bently Nevada 3300 XL Proximitor Sensor |
330180-90-00 | 330180-12-05 | 330780-90-00 | 330850-90-05 |
330180-50-CN | 330180-50-05 | 330780-50-00 | 330850-91-05 |
330180-51-05 | 330180-91-05 | 330780-90-05 | 330850-90-00 |
330180-51-00 | 330180-90-RU | 330780-91-05 | 330850-91-00 |
330180-50-00 | 330180-91-EN | 330780-90-05 | 330850-51-00 |
330180-12-00 | 330180-51-EN | 330780-91-00 | 330850-51-05 |
330180-12-00 | 330180-X1-05 | 330780-51-00 | 330850-50-00 |
330180-90-05 | 330180-X1-00 | 330780-51-05 | 330850-50-05 |
Bently Nevada Proximity Probe and Extension Cable |
330103-20-25-05-02-CN | 330104-00-10-90-02-00 | 330100-90-05 | 330103-00-09-05-02-00 |
330104-10-20-10-02-CN | 330104-00-14-10-02-05 | 330101-00-08-05-02-00 | 330103-00-12-10-02-CN |
330703-000-100-10-02-CN | 330104-00-22-10-02-05 | 330101-00-08-10-02-00 | 330104-00-08-10-02-00 |
330104-00-10-10-02-CN | 330130-040-00-05 | 330101-00-16-10-02-CN | 330106-05-30-10-02-CN |
330104-12-20-10-02-00 | 330130-085-01-00 | 330103-00-15-10-02-00 | 330103-00-06-10-02-05 |
330851-02-000-060-10-00-CN | 330103-00-03-10-02-00 | 330104-00-04-10-02-00 | 330901-00-90-05-02-00 |
330106-05-30-15-02-00 | 330103-00-12-10-01-00 | 330104-00-04-10-02-05 | 330703-000-050-10-02-00 |
330130-00-05-10-02-CN | 330130-080-02-00 | 330104-00-05-10-02-00 | 330103-00-04-10-02-00 |
330130-005-00-00 | 330103-00-03-10-02-CN | 330106-05-30-10-02-05 | 330103-00-05-10-02-05 |
330103-00-03-10-01-00 | 330103-00-05-05-02-CN | 330103-00-10-05-02-00 | 330103-00-10-05-01-00 |
330101-00-24-05-02-05 | 330103-00-05-10-02-CN | 330104-00-04-10-02-CN | 330130-040-00-05 |
330103-05-15-10-02-00 | 330103-00-09-10-02-CN | 330130-045-02-00 | 330130-085-01-00 |
330104-05-10-10-02-05 | 330130-085-02-CN | 330901-00-40-10-02-05 | 330103-00-03-10-02-00 |
330103-00-09-10-02-00 | 330195-02-12-10-CN | 330903-00-06-10-02-05 | 330103-00-12-10-01-00 |
330103-10-20-10-02-00 | 330103-00-04-10-02-00 | 330903-00-21-10-02-05 | 330130-080-02-00 |
330101-00-14-90-02-00 | 330103-00-05-10-02-05 | 330905-00-18-05-02-05 | 330707-00-62-10-01-00 |
330104-00-06-10-02-00 | 330103-00-10-05-01-00 | 330905-00-25-05-02-05 | 330905-00-25-05-01-CN |
330101-00-55-05-02-05 | 330104-00-10-90-02-00 | 330905-07-17-05-02-05 | 330100-50-00 |
330101-00-55-10-02-05 | 330104-00-14-10-02-05 | 330905-12-22-05-02-05 | 330100-50-05 |
330103-00-06-10-02-CN | 330104-00-22-10-02-05 | 330909-00-60-10-02-05 | 330100-90-02 |
330101-00-18-10-02-00 | 330104-00-15-05-02-00 | 330104-00-24-10-02-00 | 330901-00-08-10-02-00 |
330103-00-07-05-02-00 | 330104-00-17-05-02-00 | 330101-00-40-10-02-05 | 330101-00-16-10-02-00 |
330104-00-14-05-02-00 | 330104-00-24-05-02-00 | 330709-000-070-10-02-00 | |
Other Bently Nevada Products |
1900/65A-00-00-03-00-00 | 990-04-70-02-00 | 3500/42-06-00 | 3500/32 125712-01 |
1900/65A-00-00-01-00-00 | 990-05-70-03-00 | 3500/42-04-00 | 3500/32-01-00 |
1900/55-02-01-01-00 | 990-05-50-03-05 | 3500/42-02-01 | 3500/32-01-01 |
1900/65A-00-00-01-01-00 | 990-04-70-01-00 | 3500/42-06-01 | 3500/32-01-02 |
1900/65A-00-01-01-01-01 | 990-04-XX-03-00 | 3500/42-09-01 | 133396-01 |
2300/20-KIT-002-00-00 | 990-05-50-02-01 | 3500/42-09-05 | 1800/15-12-90-02-00 |
2300/20-KIT-003-00-00 | 990-05-70-01-00 | 3500/42-02-00 | 1800/20-12-90-02-00 |
2300/20-CN | 991-05-70-01-01 | 128229-01 | 1800/20-XX-90-02-00 |
3300/14-02-20-00 | 991-06-50-01-01 | 3500/33-01-00 | 176449-05 |
3300/16-13-01-02-00-00-00 | 990-05-50-01-CN | 3500/33-01-02 | 2300/20-00 |
3300/20-12-01-02-00-00 | 990-05-XX-01-00 | 3500/33-01-01 | 125769-01 |
3300/45-01-01-02-00 | 991-01-XX-01-00 | 149986-01 | 3500/05-01-01-00-00 |
3300/50-02-02-00-00 | 990-04-50-01-00 | 3500/25-01-01-00 | 60M100-00 |
3300/03-01-00 | 991-06-50-01-00 | 3500/25-02-01-00 | 102550-01 |
3500/05-01-03-00-00-00 | 990-08-XX-01-00 | 3500/53-03-00 | 124534-01 |
3500/05-02-05-00-00 | 990-05-70-02-00 | 3500/53-02-00 | 125489-01 |
3500/05-01-02-01-00-01 | 991-25-70-01-CN | 133388-01 | 126615-01 |
3500/25-01-03-00 | 990-05-70-03-05 | 3500/20-01-02-00 | 128275-01F |
3500/25-01-01-01 | 990-08-XX-01-CN | 3500/20-01-02-01 | 128276-01F |
149369-01 | 990-05-50-02-00 | 125744-02 | 131178-01 |
125800-01 | 991-50-XX-01-00 | 125768-01 | 133819-01 |
3500/92-01-01-00 | 990-10-XX-01-00 | 146031-01 | 135489-01 |
3500/92-04-01-02 | 991-06-70-01-00 | 3500/22-01-02-00 | 140471-01 |
3500/92-04-01-00 | 990-04-XX-01-00 | 3500/22-01-01-00 | 147663-01 |
3500/92-02-01-00 | 990-05-XX-03-CN | 3500/22M-01-02-00 | 1900/55 |
3500/45-05-00 | 990-04-50-01-CN | 3500/22-01-01-01 | 200350-02-00-00 |
3500/45-01-01 | 991-06-50-01-CN | 3500/22-01-01-02 | 21505-00-72-10-02 |
3500/45-01-00 | 990-08-XX-03-00 | 138607-01 | 24583-03 |
176449-04 | 990-05-XX-03-05 | 3500/22 125768-01 | 3300/05-22-00-00 |
130731-01 | 135031-01 | 136386-01 | 140734-04 |
3300/20-13-03-01-00-00 | 176449-03 | 3300/05-23-00-00 | 128276-01 |
3300/45-01-02-03-00 | 184146-03 | 3300/16-12-01-01-00-00 | 135489-03 |
3300/53-03-02-00-60-20-00-00-00 | 3500/05-01-02-00-00-00 | 3300/16-12-01-01-00-00-00 | 330500-00-20 |
3300/55-03-04-14-14-00-00-04-00 | 14386-03 | 3300/16-13-01-01-00-00-00 | 133811-01 |
16699-03 | 16699-01-02-02 | 3300/20-12-01-01-00-00 | 125672-02 |
330130-070-00-05 | 16699-03-02-02 | 330907-05-30-05-02-CN | 3500/15 125840-01 |
3500/05-01-02-00-00-01 | 16699-10-02-01 | 330930-045-00-CN | 3500/20 |
3500/05-02-04-01-00-01 | 16699-10-02-02 | 3300/16-14-01-01-00-00-00 | 200350-02-00 |
330100-50-01 | 18745-02 | 3300/53-03-02-00-40-20-00-00-00 | 106M1079-01 |
330130-080-02-CN | 135137-01 | 2300/20-02 | 119M659-04 |
330930-045-03-CN | 130730-01 | 140734-01 | 149356-01 |
330980-51-00 | P3403893-0351 | 3500/94 145988-01 | 990-05-50-01-00 |
3500/05-01-01-00-00-00 | 330877-080-36-00 | 3500/94 147663-01 | 3500/70M 176449-09 |
3500/05-02-04-00-00-01 | 330930-040-02-00 | 176449-09 | 3500/90 125728-01 |
3300/14 | 3500/32M | 3500/42M 138708-01 | 3500/53 133396-01 |
3300/25 | 3500/32M 125720-01 | 3500/45 135137-01 | 3500/64M 140734-05 |
3300/50 | 3500/42M 128229-01 | 3500/45 140072-02/140072-04 | |
Q: Do you have a warranty?
A: Yes, We have 12 months warranty.
Q: Is it 100% brand new?
A: Yes. New and original.
Q: What is the type of payment? Paypal?
A: 100% T/T Payment in Advance
Q: Which country or area can be shipped?
A: Worldwide.
Q: How do you ship goods?
Q:Where do you ship the goods?
A: Xiamen.
Q: How long is your delivery time?
A: Generally it is 2-3 days if the goods are in stock. If the goods are not in stock, Need to negotiae.
Q: Are you trading company or manufacturer ?
A: We are trading company.
Room 502, Bilida Building, No. 22 Lvling Road, Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province
Business Type:
Trading Company
Business Range:
Electrical & Electronics, Industrial Equipment & Components
Company Introduction:
Xiamen Automation Trading Co., Ltd. Established in 2014, is a professional supplier engaged in the research, sale and service of control system components. We are located in Xiamen with convenient transportation access and beautiful coastal scenery. We specialize in PLC modules, DCS control cards, ESD control cards and vibration monitoring. Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction. With more than 10 years experience in automation industry and enough inventory, we have set up a stable supply chain and built a long term business relationship with clients all over the world. With our own courier partner, our products have been sold to Europe, America, South America, Africa, South Asia and other 30 countries and regions fast and timely. Our service and products are trusted and have won no complaints among them. Our products all enjoy 12 months warranty. What′s more, our professional team are always online for your requirements and can help system architecture proposal, part number selection, system test and after sales services. Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements. Your Automation, our mission!